Tuesday, August 5, 2014

11 Quick Meals Before Football Practice

Next week my boys start football practice, Go Spartans.  It starts early, in the evening, and it is always a race to feed them between work and practice.  They get hot and sweaty, so we keep it light. The coaches don't appreciate puking, because they ate a heavy meal. All meals have carbs for quick energy and protein to sustain them through practice.

Three Cheese Tortellini
1. tomato soup and Barilla tortellini (cook all in one pot)
2. hard-boiled eggs and fruit
3. French bread pizza
4. grilled cheese
5. scrambled eggs and toast
6. ham and cheese sandwich
7. chicken noodle soup with cheddar cheese
8. peanut butter with celery and raisins
9. pretzel rods wrapped with cheese and turkey
11. tortilla pizza

They will eat again when they get home, but these usually hold them over.  Tell me about your quick meal ideas.

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