Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Easter Basket Ideas for Boys

Here at our house we think candy is a treat. I usually put 2-3 pieces of candy in the kids Easter baskets. The Target $1 bin is great for girls stuff. If you have a boy you know it is difficult to fill their Easter baskets without candy. Here is a list of inexpensive stuff to fill an Easter basket.

1. Tools. My boys love to build things and have their own set of tools, but they loose them!

2. Craft supplies. Not crayons, but fun stuff for older kids.

3. Fishing supplies!! Also, a great way to get dad involved.

4. Baseballs. It is almost baseball season.

5. A deck of cards. You can use any kind of cards. My kids are into yu-gi-oh.

6. Lego packs. The little ones at the check out stand.

7. Books. My boys have to read every night for school, so they read a lot of books!!

8. Baseball hats. They are a favorite at our house and see above about baseball season.

9. Socks. My boys like special socks.

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